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Workshop Hidrologia Espacial 2021

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24 de nov. de 2021, 08:45 BRT – 25 de nov. de 2021, 17:00 BRT

Webinar via Zoom

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Presentations PDFs

Day 1 – 24/10 morning session


  1. Context RAINSMORE and SWOT NE projects, and objectives of the workshop   (Dr Marielle Gosset)

  2. Why and how  studying Extreme rainfall -1) Rainfall estimation by satellite and need for IA (Dr Romulo Oliveira)

  3. Why and how  studying Extreme rainfall – 2)  Rainfall estimation by commercial Microwave Links (RAINCELL)  (Dr Modeste Kacou)

  4. Why and how studying Small Water Surface (lakes, reservoirs), satellite data and actual limits (Rafel Reis - FUNCEME ; 15’)

  5. IA methods, a general overview (Pr Emilie Caillault)

  6. Time series forecasting using kernel regression methods. (Pr Guillerme Barreto)

Day 2 – 25/10 morning session

  1. Time series prediction, from time alignment to basic algorithms - preprocessing (Dr Kelly Grassi)

  2. Times series completion algorithms used for prediction - DTWB (Pr Emilie Caillault)

  3. Times series prediction by LSTM.  Theory and example from Ceara (Pr Nícolas Araujo’)

    1. Times series prediction by LSTM.  Theory and example from Ceara (Pr Nícolas Araujo’) -Continued 1

    2. Times series prediction by LSTM.  Theory and example from Ceara (Pr Nícolas Araujo’) -Continued 2

    3. Times series prediction by LSTM.  Theory and example from Ceara (Pr Nícolas Araujo’) -Continued 3


Day 3 – 26/10

  1. Detection of patterns by Deep NN, transfert learning - (Pr Nicolas Araujo)

  2. Deep learning and object detection - Examples from medical applications  - (Pr Manuel Sánchez-Montañés)

  3. Training Rare Object Detection in Satellite Imagery by GAN and autoencoders (Pr Nicolas Araujo’)

Day 4 – 27/10


  1. Clustering approach : Density, Shape, Hierarchical Kernel - approaches (Pr Emilie Caillault)

  2. Segmentation approaches (Pr Emilie Caillault)

  3. MSC a multi-level spectral clustering approach to detect extreme events - Examples of application of unsupervised learning  (Dr Kelly Grassi)

  4. How to combine clustering and classification results, relevant object class (Pr Emilie Caillault’)


Day 5 – 28/10


  1. Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images (Dr Valdivino Alexandre de Santiago’).

  2. Workshop conclusions and perspectives (Dr Marielle Gosset)

  3. New topics for IA Methods : precipitation data fusion (Rodrigo Zambrana).

  4. New Topic for IA methods : climate modelling (Pr Nick Hall).

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